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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Solar Energy Beijing Champion Challenged

The eclipse threatens to become total. Marked by the placement into receivership of the French manufacturer Photowatt and sealed by the poor results of German manufacturer Q-cells, the prospects of the European market of solar energy have turned black in the last recent months. The decrease in tariffs for photovoltaic electricity determined by several governments has also contributed to this depression. Accused of breaking prices in a contest of global overproduction, Beijing has become the champion of a very challenging industry.
“The Chinese have made a bet, and they won,” observes Paolo Frankl, Head of Renewable Energy Division at the International Energy Agency (IEA). After being present on the photovoltaic market for a little less than five years, Beijing has taken advantage of incentives offered in Western countries to develop their photovoltaic park. With tens of billions of euros invested, the country became, in 2007, the largest producer of modules in the world. Today, the majority of cells installed in Europe are of Chinese origin. From the ten largest manufacturers of solar panels are 3 ones Chinese that are Suntech, Yingli and Trina Solar.
Basma – Green Energy International News Correspondent – 11/02/2012

Solar Expo “ACTUS” In Morocco

Solar Expo “ACTUS” In Morocco
The first edition of the Solar Expo “ACTUS” was held this weekend in Marrakech. The show brought together some fifty national and international exhibitors led by Rachid Bouguern initiator and director of this appointment.
Solar energy (photovoltaic, hydro, wind, and biomass) has become an essential resource during the past recent years. Cost control, environment preservation, promoting economics and energy saving are the reasons why people start replacing their old energy resources with renewable ones. And during these days, a widespread enthusiasm concerning renewable energy in Morocco is being witnessed. The Solar Living Expo was therefore necessary, by itself. Many expert exhibitors, gathered at the convention center for four days, with several projects: facilitating national and international agreements, making the show a major center of growth, enhancing the Moroccan offer, to relate the various operators in the sector … The show provides a platform of solar energy in Africa and a place to meet and exchange between developers and consumers. For a country like Morocco, solar energy is a part of the future. The Kingdom has, according to Rashid Bouguern enormous potential thanks to the great sunshine this time of year. Moreover, it is a significant economic asset, given the soaring price of crude.
Success for a first
Several conferences were held during the show. Their goal was to educate operators and consumers on different topics: energy saving, environment protection, sustainable development, security, and development of solar energy in Maroc. The solar Living Expo also educates visitors about the latest technology updated in this area. The future should be bright for this show since solar energy is an inexhaustible wealth.
Basma – International Green Energy Correspondent – 23/02/2012

New 165 Meters High Solar Tower!

The company recently completed a SolarReserve tower that’s 520 feet high (approximately 164 meters) for its fleet of solar collectors located in Tonopah, Nevada. The Crescent Dune project should produce at least 480 000 MW/h per year, a sufficient amount of energy to provide power for 75 000 homes.
Using technology to concentrate the solar energy (“Concentrated Solar Power” or CSP), what remains for the company to do is to install 10,000 mirrors that will redirect sunlight to the top of the tower in order to maximize the energy harvesting.
The great innovation of the project lies in its use of molten salt as an element of heat retention rather than using oil. The salt can reach temperatures up to 537 degrees Celsius (1000 degrees Fahrenheit) before being stored up to 15 hours time.
When electricity is needed, whether it was day or night, hot salt is pumped into a steam turbine that creates electricity to be redistributed towards homes. The project is expected to begin producing energy in 2013.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Guinea To Produce Solar Panels

More than 20 000 jobs and an investment of over U.S. $ 3 billion, is the benefit to come from the solar energy project as announced the DACC Associates LLC MAMSKA Guinea-LTD and the utility of Guinea (EDG) announced on Tuesday, January 24 in Conakry.

The solar power project of 1000 MW is 100% funded by the U.S. partner DACC. In its activities, it will be assisted by international financial companies involved in the sector of renewable energy, said the president of Guinea Mamaska. This project, adds Mamady Kaba Sinkoun, will produce energy to sell to the EDG. After reaching the objectives of the project on an area of ​​about 6 to 7 years, plants and materials will return to the Guinean government.

However, the partner has set up a factory manufacturing solar panels with international standards to meet the demands at the country and export to the nearby regions. An ambition of size that is! In the future, we can see with how Guinea will become, if this project to be realized, the first African country to have a manufacturing facility on its soil.

In the first instance, or the pilot phase, the project wants to put in the Boke region a production of 50 MWC that will be distributed as follows: Boke 5 MWp with an annual production of 43,200 MWh, the village of Kamsar 5 MWp for annual production of 43,200 MWh and the mines 40 MWp for an annual production of 345,000 MWh.

Second, Mamska-DACC plans to install solar photovoltaic for all the mines in Guinea. Then, build solar power plants in the prefectures and Rural Communities Development (CRD). It should also notice that the power to be installed in each prefecture will vary between 3 MWp to 5 MWp, depending on the size of the region concerned and the needs of application.

The work on this project will soon begin to allow Guinea to have electricity 24/24 when we know that the electric current service, even in Conakry, remains to be desired.

Basma- International Green Energy News Correspondent – 25/01/2012.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

One More Step Towards Green Energy In Quebec

On thursday Quebec City has put into operation a system of photovoltaic solar panels placed on the roof of the building F.-X.-Drolet in Saint-Roch. This experimental facility will produce 15 kilowatts of electricity, which is estimated at 3000$ in savings.

The system includes 60 solar panels of the monocrystalline type with a power of 250 watts each. Fixed on the flat roof of the building with a metal structure, they are all oriented to the same direction to receive maximum sunlight.
A monitoring system and a weather station were established to a daily monitoring. “We're going to combine what we consumed every month and every year. We will have everything computerized to follow up on it,” said Jean Lemay, an engineer and energy manager in the maintenance division of the Department of Building Management of the City.

The energy produced is directly redistributed into the building. A parallel connection with the Hydro-Québec reduces spending power of the City without having to store the energy produced in batteries.

For now, the solar photovoltaic system is a booster, says Lemay, and the electricity used comes mainly from Hydro-Quebec. “We still have a good use here. There is a garage with lots of ventilation and air conditioning,” he said.
The implementation of the system cost more than $ 150 000 to the City. Alone PV system represented an investment of $ 134 100 plus tax and the monitoring system, $ 12 500 plus taxes.

Experts estimate that the City may benefit from annual savings of $ 2,000 to $ 3,000. Jean Lemay says that the project goal is not profitability. The photovoltaic solar system of the building F.-X.-Drolet is intended as a demonstration project and adaptation of new technologies.

For his part, Vice President of the Executive Committee, François Picard, believes that this investment will pay for itself within two years. "Usually, when making changes to systems or geothermal, the traffic lights to LED, condensing boilers, etc.. we are able to enter our investment in a period of about two years, "he said.

Future To The Solar PV

Quebec City is given two years to evaluate its new system. If the results are inconclusive, new municipal buildings could benefit from this type of energy. “Over a period of two years, we should have a good profile, good information. We will also learn how the system behaves when there is snow and storms. The installation was completed before the holidays and up until this day, it never had to be cleared manually. As soon as the sun appears, the snow melts. This is encouraging,” said Jean Lemay. Tests had previously been made in a wind tunnel before installation of the panels.

The project of green electricity from the City is a continuation of its efforts to improve the energy efficiency of its municipal buildings and promote sustainable development. The results of all actions taken by Quebec since 2003 allow recurring annual savings of nearly $ 6 million.

Basma – International Green Energy News Correspondent – 27/01/2012