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Sunday, 22 July 2012

Equinox Solar Hot Water Hit Town At Green Energy WA


Equinox close coupled solar water heaters have the storage tank mounted above the solar collectors together on your roof. Solar energy heats water in the collectors and thermosyphon (hot water rises) naturally transfers the heated water from the solar collectors into the tank without any moving parts. High quality materials, lightweight construction and a variety of finishes makes this the perfect roof mounted solar hot water solution.

  • Reduction in energy costs to heat the water used in your home
  • High efficiency collectors to absorb the maximum available solar energy (collectors available for frost prone areas also).
  • Light weight tanks allow installation on a wider range of roof designs.
  • Outer skin made from colorbond in a wide range of popular colours to match your roof.*
  • Naturally occurring thermosiphon means no moving parts and therefore less components required.
  • Electric or gas boost available to suit your needs.
  • Government rebates are available because of the large number of STC’s awarded due to the high efficiency of the collectors.
  • Designed by Rinnai, a household name in efficient water heating.
    See the range here One of the finest ranges of Solar Hot Water in Perth WA

  • * only available in the stainless steel range

    Tuesday, 17 July 2012

    UK Tops Solar Race

    First International Energy Efficiency Scorecard of 12 Major Economies Also Finds Germany, Italy, and Japan Ranking Highly; U.S. Behind Most Countries, Including China, France, and Australia.
    WASHINGTON, D.C– The United Kingdom comes in first in a new energy efficiency ranking of the world’s major economies, followed closely by Germany, Italy, and Japan, according to the first-ever International Energy Efficiency Scorecard published today by the nonprofit American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The report finds that in the last decade the U.S. has made “limited or little progress toward greater efficiency at the national level,” putting it in 9th place out of 12 economies around the globe.
    The rankings are modeled on ACEEE’s time-tested approach to energy efficiency ranking of U.S. states, and include 12 of the world’s largest economies: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union. These 12 economies represent over 78 percent of global gross domestic product; 63 percent of global energy consumption; and 62 percent of the global carbon-dioxide equivalent emissions.
    On a scale of 100 possible points in 27 categories, the nations were ranked by ACEEE as follows: (1) the United Kingdom; (2) Germany; (3) Italy; (4) Japan; (5) France; (6) the European Union, Australia, and China (3-way tie); (9) the U.S.; (10) Brazil; (11) Canada; and (12) Russia.
    ACEEE divided the 27 metrics across four groupings: those that track cross-cutting aspects of energy use at the national level, as well as the three sectors primarily responsible for energy consumption in an economically developed country—buildings, industry, and transportation. The top-scoring countries in each grouping are: Germany (national efforts); China (buildings); the United Kingdom (industry); and a tie among Italy, China, Germany, and the United Kingdom (transportation).
    ACEEE Executive Director Steven Nadel said: “The UK and the leading economies of Europe are now well ahead of the United States when it comes to energy efficiency. This is significant because countries that use energy more efficiently require fewer resources to achieve the same goals, thus reducing costs, preserving valuable natural resources, and creating jobs. Unfortunately, our results show that nowhere is the vast potential for improvements in energy efficiency being completely realized. While many countries achieved notable success, none received a perfect score in any category – proving that there is much that all countries can still learn from each other. For example, the United States scored relatively high in buildings, but was at the bottom of the list in transportation.”
    Edward Davey, British Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change said: “I welcome today’s publication of the first International Energy Efficiency Scorecard by ACEEE. Energy efficiency sits at the heart of our policies to encourage low-carbon growth, and I am particularly pleased that the UK is ranked first of the 12 economies considered by the study. Making our buildings and industries more energy efficient is a significant challenge, one that will take years to meet; doing so cost effectively will mean drawing on the experiences of others. This study is a fascinating collection of best practice, setting out the innovations which can accelerate economic growth, enhance energy security – and save our households and businesses money.”
    Report author and ACEEE Senior Researcher Sara Hayes said: “While energy efficiency has played a major role in the economies of developed nations for decades, cost-effective energy efficiency remains a massively underutilized energy resource. Fortunately, there is a lot countries can do to strengthen their economic competitiveness through improvements in energy efficiency.”
    The ACEEE ranking system looks at both “policy metrics” and “performance metrics” to measure a country’s overall energy efficiency. Examples of policy metrics include the presence of a national energy savings target, fuel economy standards for vehicles, and energy efficiency standards for appliances. The “performance metrics” measure energy use and provide quantifiable results. Examples of performance metrics include the amount of energy consumed by a country relative to its gross domestic product, average miles per gallon of on-road passenger vehicles, and energy consumed per square foot of floor space in residential buildings.
    For the finest range of solar hot water and solar energy in Perth WA visit

    Thanks to for this story

    Monday, 16 July 2012

    Energy Watch hit for $1.95 million for misleading advertising

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has won its Federal Court action against Energy Watch, which ordered the company to pay $1.95 million for misleading advertising, while former CEO, Benjamin Polis, designated as the “figurehead of Energy Watch”, to pay $65,000 for his voiceover role in the misleading radio advertisements.           

    “The Australian people have been misled and deceived by the sharp business practices engaged in by Energy Watch and Mr Polis and they would rightly expect that such conduct not be treated lightly by this Court,” Federal Court Justice Marshall stated.

    The misleading advertising finding related to representations about the nature of Energy Watch services in relation to the claims of how much customers will save.

    Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Rod Sims said providers of energy price comparison services, and other comparison services, should take the penalties awarded in this case as a serious warning.

    "The ACCC is acutely aware that increasing energy prices are a significant issue for small business and consumers and they are at the very heart of cost of living pressures. Energy Watch took advantage of this to further its business interests,” Mr Simms said.

    Energy Watch slugged with $2 million for misleading ads

    Sunday, 15 July 2012

    Power pricing surge

    Charges 70 per cent higher than the American average
    A figure that will grow to 160 per cent in two years
    Exposes myth that Australian electricity is relatively cheap
    AUSTRALIANS pay 130 per cent more for electricity than Canadians, according to new research – a power premium to rise to 250 per cent once the carbon tax and locked-in price increases take effect.
    The research, which will be made public today, claims household charges are already 70 per cent higher than the American average, a figure that will grow to 160 per cent in two years. Japanese, British, French, Irish and New Zealanders all pay less than we do.
    The research forms the basis of a report to the Energy Users Association of Australia – which represents 100 big power users including BHP, RailCorp, Coles, the Commonwealth Bank and Brisbane City Council – and argues the way power prices are set must be urgently reformed.
    The EUAA will also use the research to claim it exposes as a myth that Australian electricity is relatively cheap.
    Energy Minister Martin Ferguson recently said Australians pay less than the OECD average, relying on a document called Energy In Australia 2012, which his department’s Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE) published three weeks ago. The document uses electricity prices from 2009-10.
    “That data is old,” EUAA executive director Roman Domanski told The Daily Telegraph last night. In 2010-11 alone the national price rose by 16 per cent; the NSW jump was 23 per cent. The numbers used to compile the document Mr Ferguson relied on put the NSW average at 18.55c/kWh. But in the real world, households are paying regulated rates as high as 28c/kWh.
    The average New South Wales household’s annual cost for electricity would fall from $1700 to less than $700 if our prices were the same as in Canada.
    Mr Domanski said: “Add in the carbon tax from July, further network price increases and renewable energy subsidies and inevitably our prices are pushed to the point where they are challenging Denmark and Germany as the most expensive in the world.” The report to the EUAA, produced by Carbon Market Economics, found Australian power prices had risen about 40 per cent since 2007 and would rise by another 30 per cent over the next two years.
    It found that, even using 2007 currency exchange rates, Australian households still paid more than those in Japan, US, Canada and the average of the EU. Carbon Market Economics comparison of prices in 92 jurisdictions – including more than 35 countries, American states and all Australian states and territories – found NSW ranked fourth behind Denmark, Germany and South Australia. Victoria was fifth and Western Australia was sixth. The ACT was 21st.
    In explaining why BREE used figures dating back to 2009, energy manager Allison Ball said Australian Energy Market Commission data wasn’t available until late 2011 and global 2011 statistics from the International Energy Agency were still not available.
    However, The Telegraph understands Carbon Market Economics used 2011 IEA figures published before Mr Ferguson claimed Australian prices were below the OECD average.
    Melrose Park mother-of-two Leanne Imbro said her family’s last bill had jumped to about $700. She said she has been reassessing her children’s extra-curricular activities.