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Friday, 28 October 2011

Biomass Is The Most Significant Source Of Renewable Thermal Energy In Germany

Germany’s position as a biomass energy resources user has been reinforced at the “Heat Production From Biomass” conference held on October 19, 2011 by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) of Germany. On this occasion, 180 industry professionals in energy and science and policy experts were able to learn about the current situation of ​​the thermal energy scene in Germany and discuss the need to act soon in view of the Renewable Thermal Energy (EEWärmeG) new law expected in 2012. 

Indeed, in order to achieve the federal government energy objectives, the share of thermal energy produced from biomass should be significantly increased. "The heat generated from biomass is already responsible for about 9% of the total heat supply in Germany," said Peter Bleser, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Minister of Agriculture. 

92% of the renewable heat in Germany comes from the raw biomass and wood especially. This type of energy is the only efficient substitute available for fossil fuels and it can save annually about 36 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass can also be considered as the most climate-friendly energy source. It is also regarded as the most versatile renewable energy source because it can be stored in solid, liquid or gas states and thus be available throughout the year. 

The positive effects of the biomass use for energy purposes should also be enrolled in the next EEWärmeG law. Modern boilers and heating systems in homes using biomass fuel are not pretty effective only but also environment respecting in isolated residential areas. "This is an exemplary energy at hand. The heating produced from biomass cannot be discriminated against in terms of renewable thermal energy law (EEWärmeG) compared to other renewable energy technologies", says M. Bleser

This is the main reason why the BMELV, as part of its strategy of sustainability funds, is going to release 50 million euros a year for research, development and commercialization of renewable raw materials. They’ve also set up a German Research Center On Biomass (DBFZ) in Leipzig. Action plans for energy consumption and sustainable raw material such as biofuels CO2 balance improvement have been developed too.

Basma - Green Energy International Correspondent - 28/10/11

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