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Sunday, 6 November 2011

In Development: 11 Transnational Infrastructure Projects Submitted To The G20

Eleven major transnational infrastructure projects on different continents which can be financed by public and private funds have been subject to the approval of the G20 leaders meeting in Cannes (France), according to a report obtained by AFP on Thursday.
Directed by Tidjame Thiam, chairman of a group specializing in infrastructure, this report details these projects located in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America, and the funds that would implement them.
"The private sector will not invest in the dark; it is repeated several times in the document of the 37 pages."
This project includes a rail link between Isaka (Tanzania) and Kigali (Rwanda) and is estimated by $ 1.6 billion. A proposed rail network linking Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq is in turn estimated at 5 billion.
The report also cites a solar energy program involving Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan with a capacity to export to European countries close to some of these states.
Besides the installation of a hydroelectric plant in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a vast project called "North-South Corridor" will allow five landlocked countries - DRC, Zimbabwe, Bostwana, Malawi and Zambia – to have access to the sea via a shaft road.
Also in Africa, the interconnection of electricity grids of Ethiopia and Kenya by a line of 1,000 km would mean $ 900 million. Another 1,400 km of electrical connection benefiting the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea would cost $ 500 million
The report also cites the creation of a pipeline through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India of over 1800 km in length at a cost of $ 7.6 billion. A project of environmental protection with bioenergy has been dedicated for Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
The last two projects cited are located in Asia (with an investment fund) and Latin America with a series of highways for the benefit of Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.
The group specialized in infrastructure projects in the G20 were established in November 2010. It is unusual to combine public sector leaders and private sector.

Basma – Green Energy International Correspondent – 05/11/11

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